Diseases such as constipation and diarrhea are not uncommon. They come to anybody, especially if you opt for a major change in diet, such as switching from a high carb to a low-carb diet. Diarrhea usually comes to low carb because if you make on a low-carb diet, produced Her body less carbohydrates and ketones. Low carbs also suffer from constipation. It should be noted, however, that constipation is not directly from a low-carb diet stem cellsRegime. In fact, constipation is caused when your body receives less than the required amount of carbohydrates. Foods such as pulses, legumes and whole grains contain lots of fiber, but unfortunately, these foods are strictly forbidden in the early days of the low-carb program. In this article I will tell you how to fight constipation and diarrhea, and your normal health.
How to fight constipation:
I will say one thing in advance: If your previous dietwas the sugar and starchy foods is full, it would take sometime before you can even adapt to a low-carb diet. However, constipation is not associated directly with low carb diet. In fact, it's a different kind of a problem, and can be caused by a combination of problems. Constipation is most often because of the fiber deficiency. How to give your body the required amount of fiber, you need to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Too much water to drink every day. And neverever buy over-the-counter pills, especially painkillers, codeine and other opiates, such as antidepressants, iron pills and diuretics. These drugs have certain ingredients in them that lead to constipation.
If you want to permanently cure constipation, laxatives will not help either. It is OK to use laxatives for a short time, but for a long time I was a stool softener such as docusate, do not depend on and to be used easily absorbed into the body.
Another way to cure constipationto fiber supplements such as eating sugar free Metamucil or plain psyllium husks, which the bowel strength to move forward. Note, however, that this fiber supplement, you should only water to eat, otherwise these negative effects on the body will have.
Another way to cure constipation is to do regularly. Because if you do exercises to the entire body begins to move, and thus, move your bowels begin! You can also use yoga, as it has been found to be helpful toConstipated patients.
In the second part of this article, I will tell you how to cure diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), as well as how to find good low-carb foods. To access the second part, simply click on the link in my resource box below.
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