วันอาทิตย์ที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Fergie's Recent Slimdown Diet & Fitness Routine

Fergie is known famous for her amazing body and curves. She is slim and toned all over and we have figured out how they did! The Black Eyed Peas singer will not starve themselves or have another form of eating disorder, is their wonderful thin body through exercise and healthy eating. She loves salads, lean meats and yogurt.

What does Fergie food?

Starving and seized the drugs are not on the agenda Fergie's! Although rumors have been that it has taken Hoodia Gordoniithe past (the infamous Hollywood Size 0 Pill)

Fergie does not prohibit all food groups, it remains in the form by providing the best dietary choices that they can in a certain situation. The star avoids fatty meat (eg lamb and ribs) and fills the leanest cuts and the best quality (eg filet mignon) instead. She admits, even fast food. "Sometimes when you are on tour, that the only thing there is. You just have to choose the right things. Salads are always good, ad I likeChicken fajitas. And McDonald's has that now, yogurt parfait. "

How does Fergie workout?

Fergie was on The Tyra Banks Show, and gave viewers a sneak peak at their training plan. She trains religiously (at least 6 times per week) and loans walk uphill for free on the treadmill for 45-60 minutes per session for her figure and cellulite booty! She was also known to do the elliptical trainer and never skips her workout, even if you are on tour!

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