We all need some physical detoxification from time to time, and here is a tried and tested 24 hours detox liquid diet.
If you have excessive eating or drinking too much smoke here 24 hours is detox solution for you.
You need from a blender or food processor, the list of green vegetables and some freshly brewed filter coffee or tea.
Yes, it is certain that coffee (tea) are effective antioxidants than vitamin C and Ecombined.
It is only about 1 kilo of fresh spinach, 1 kg of arugula, 1 small bunch parsley 1 bunch fresh cilantro, and filtered or bottled water.
Each dose of the liquid to be made fresh before consumption, does not allow mixing and storing in the refrigerator.
Detox Method
For the period of 24 hours no food is allowed. Coffee or tea can be on the morning after waking up again in the middle of the day, and a third time will be consumed in the early evening.
Basedone hour after the morning coffee or tea, mix equal amount of spinach, arugula, parsley and cilantro. It is not right ... Salt or other spices. Mix the herbs with water and drink a big glass.
Repeat this process every hour until you sleep.
Results and Benefits
You will be quite a bit in the bathroom, with a constant urination, and maybe a few more than usual stools. This is quite normal as your body is free of pollutants. Your kidneys arebe very active, and the accumulated solid particles will find their way to your intestines very quickly.
After the 24-hour period is, you feel very light, clean and refreshed.
It is, if during the period you can go to the sauna or at least often helpful in your bathroom shower, you scrub your skin with a shower brush on the skin and aid to distribute accumulated toxins.
Ask your doctor
This diet is quite safe for use on a period of 24 hours, but just in case ask Tell your doctor if you follow this diet before you begin. Maybe some of the conditions that would not have to allow a liquid fast.
How often can a detoxification?
Normally not more than one or two days per month on this diet should be followed, but in some cases and with the consent of a doctor, the diet can be met one day per week.
Unexpected benefits of the Detox Diet
If you are on a diet or want to lose weight, the detoxification> Diet is great to enter the diet needed boost. You will find that soon after 24 hours on a liquid, you will be easier, no question.
Post-Diet Diet
On the day after your detox diet, do not drink alcohol and eat any heavy like meat or fish. It is best the day after fasting for a few light soups and salads, protein, simply cooked chicken.
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