If your diet and weight loss education comes mainly through fad diet books and magazine articles, you will believe 10 myths and weight that you need to lose it out of my head.
Diets do not work time - so if you think one of the following need to change your opinion in order to lose weight.
1. Skipping meals helps you lose weight.
No, it does not! it makes you hungry, as it creates Huger desire and actually leads you to over eat. You need to eat at 5Meals per day.
2. Your metabolism is slower at night.
Your metabolism is slower at night.
This fad diet myths come from the fact that most people eat a greater proportion of calories in the evening and when your metabolism slows down when you are sleeping, these calories, fat!
When your metabolism is not slow at night, it makes no difference if you eat - it's the total calories consumed that causation is not eaten by the time of day that theirAsk.
3. Carbohydrates in weight gain.
This is perhaps the most common fad diet myths. This myth was promoted by high-protein diets on the market.
Carbohydrates are your body's leading source of fuel. The thing to keep in mind with the cards is to eat a good and bad and the good of the
Replace carbohydrates with high sugar (simple carbohydrates) ie biscuits and sweets with complex carbohydrates: fruits, vegetables, whole grain brown rice and cereals.
NotCarbohydrates you eat slowly and irritable.
4. Lose weight is to be tough and tedious.
Now, many diets are! When they take on foods that you love, its so hard to keep.
The fact is we were never on diets. Diet is balance and you can all the food you love, but if it is sweet or fatty foods, then they must be eating in moderation.
5. Fat-free foods that are calorie free.
The low-fat label means is aLicense to over indulge
Many low-fat products are loaded with sugar as a substitute for the missing fat, which means they are just as high in calories as sugar into fat is simply eliminated!
6. No snacks
If you want more time to 5 meals a day, you probably will not have to eat a snack if it is three times a day, a quick snack and a good idea.
At the end of the day, the total calories consumed in one day, which does not count as you eat them.
A quick snack you can helpovereating and keep up your energy.
7. Fat is bad for you
Fats are part of the natural food chain of humans and we all need a certain amount of fat to be healthy, but we need more good.
Bad fats increase the risk for certain diseases and good fats lower the risk. The key is to make sure that you eat the right fats.
Fats that are actually healthy, are called "essential fatty acids. These fats are necessary for overall health and lower risk of heartDisease.
The reason oily fish is so good is that the information contained essential fatty acids actually help your body burn fat more efficiently and protect against disease.
8. Cholesterol is bad for you
Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is formed by the liver, we all have some cholesterol in the blood, as they construct used to create cells and hormones.
There are good and bad cholesterol.
Saturated fats in foods such as meat, cheese, cream, butter to increase the LDL (low density lipoprotein)"bad" cholesterol.
This then delivers cholesterol to the arteries. HDL (high density lipoprotein) - or "good" cholesterol - transports cholesterol away from arteries and back to the liver.
Just to avoid this group, or eat in moderation
9. Dairy products are fattening.
Combined with calorie control, a dairy-rich diet can nearly double body-fat reduction, and help you lose weight long term
The reason is, they contain the hormone calcitriol, which helpsConservation of calcium for your bones stronger convert when sending a message to fat cells, less sugar and fat burn more body fat.
10. It is a shortcut way to lose weight
That's the myth fostered by all the fad diets you can lose weight fast and healthy - No you cannot. Our bodies are not for the nutrition and diets, but simply listens to the people at the end will be disappointed to crash.
The only way to lose weight, it should be done slowly, with a balanced diet.
Forget fadNutrition and weight loss the right way.
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