The diet for diverticulitis patient depends on the severity of the disease. The diverticulitis attack, you can get easy, hard or very easy. Depending on this and the previous health record, a doctor will advise you about proper nutrition.
In general, there is a small percentage of people whose condition will move from diverticulosis to diverticulitis. Diverticulosis is the term used when you are with bags on the wall of the colon or the colon. On the other hand Diverticulitis is the condition in which the bags are infected due to the spell of particles in the bag.
Most people are mild cases of diverticulitis, which can, by maintaining a low fiber diet to be cured, have plenty of rest and the use of antibiotics. In serious cases, which are rare, you will be hospitalized. Accordingly, an operation will be performed to reduce the severity.
For mild cases of diverticulitis, the>diet should be low fiber and/or liquid. Here are some options for you:
Fruit juices ( avoid prune juice)
Vegetable juices
Diary products as directed by your doctor
Well cooked meat and eggs
Vegetables like potatoes, carrots, lettuce, cucumber, eggplant etc.
Fruits like banana, watermelon, grapes, peaches etc.
Plain cereals
There are some foods with which you will be troubled by:
Whole grains
Nuts and seeds
Junk food
Spicy Food
Your diverticulitis attack will slowly diminish, and your health will improve in a few days. You must now gradually increase the fiber intake too. Do not start in a hurry. Every day you can slowly increase the intake. They should also more liquid. This diet for diverticulitis will help you by reducing the pressure on the bowel and it will also prevent future attacks of diverticulitis.
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