As a dietitian, the three most frequently asked questions which smokers ask me about diet and smoking: (1) Can a diet for health damage caused by smoking? (2) What should I eat if I smoke? (3) If I leave, what kind of diet is best to prevent weight gain?
No diet or eating plan, no matter how nutritious, can the health damage caused by the 850 + chemicals in tobacco smoke causes neutralize - manyof which are carcinogenic. On average, if you double-click to smoke 20 cigarettes per day, the risk of heart attack and are five times more likely to suffer a stroke than a non-smoker. At 40 cigarettes per day, you are five times more likely to suffer from sudden cardiac death. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer.
So before we even begin to study an appropriate form of nutrition for smokers, is my overriding advice: quit smoking today!
(2) What should I eat if ISMOKE?
For who smokes daily nutritional diet is vital. The damage doneto cardiovascular and respiratory functions of the body requires a constant need for additional nutrients. Even if you smoke 5 cigarettes per day, you have increased nutritional needs due to your increased risk of hypertension, atherosclerosis, emphysema and numerous cancers. As mentioned earlier, a healthy diet does not prevent these health conditions, but they can delay their development.
Tobacco smoke leads to increased levels of free radicals - cancer-causing agents - in the body and a corresponding need for protective antioxidants that can neutralise them. The main antioxidant vitamins are vitamin C and vitamin E (which works best in combination with the mineral selenium). Phytochemicals such as bioflavonoids and carotenoids (eg. beta-carotene) are also rich in antioxidants.
Use the The following suggestions are offered a guide for a minimum of food.
- Eat 3-5 daily servings deep green, dark red, orange-yellow vegetables.
- Eat 3-5 daily servings red, yellow, orange or green fruits.
- Switch from coffee, tea, green tea is best.
- Each day, take 2 teaspoons of wheat germ oil (rich) of vitamin E) and 6 brazil nuts (selenium.
[Note: A serving equals about 1 medium fruit or 1 / 2 cup chopped]
Special need for increased vitamin C
OneCigarette is estimated that the bodies are of 25 mg of vitamin C. Thus, all smokers have a greatly increased need for this antioxidant-rich vitamins to keep a minimal level in order to rob. In practice, this need can be met only by taking supplements. As a general guideline, I suggest you take 1 gram of vitamin C supplements per day. Choose a "timed-release" brand, which contains a minimum of 100 mg of bioflavonoids.
BEST DIETARY sources of vitamin C
Fruits, such as: blackcurrants, papaya, guava,Cantaloupe, elderberries, kiwi, mangoes, oranges, strawberries.
Fruit juices, such as: cranberry, grapefruit, lemon, orange.
Vegetables, such as: red peppers, green peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, tomatoes.
Carotenoids are pigments found in plants. All carotenoids are antioxidants, the most common example is beta-carotene. It is found in green plants (eg spinach), and orange and yellow plants, such asCarrots, sweet potatoes and melons. Clinical studies have shown that if in foods - not supplements consumed - Beta-carotene reduces certain precancerous symptoms.
[Note: For reasons that are still unclear, beta-carotene supplements actually increase) the risk of diseases (eg lung cancer. Enabled the inclusion of beta-carotene should only food.]
HOW TO INCREASE your intake of carotenoids
Use the following suggestions are a guideline for a minimum dietRequirements.
Eat 4 daily servings deep green, yellow or red vegetables, including: carrots, corn, pumpkin, spinach, sweet potato.
Eat 4oz tomatoes daily, either in sauce or chopped.
Do you eat 3 servings of colorful fruits each day, including: melons, oranges, strawberries, mangoes, cherries.
According to the results of relevant studies, smokers who eat more Brassica less incidence of cancer (breast, colon, lung, pancreas,Prostate and stomach). As all these cancers are initiated by free radicals, it follows that the genus Brassica to help prevent other problems, the damage caused by free radicals and can be accelerated by smoking, such as: cataracts, emphysema, asthma and age spots.
Brassicas include: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage (all types), cauliflower, cress, horseradish, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, radish, rapeseed, turnips, watercress.
Garlic and onions
Garlic is a good source for uniqueAntioxidants and contains antibacterial and antiviral properties. The anti-tumor properties are well documented. Onions, a member of the same plant family, has similar properties to garlic.
MORE nutrition advice to smokers
Reduce the amount of total fat in the diet. At the same time, you minimize the intake of saturated fat and trans fatty acids. Eat regular servings of omega-3 rich fatty fish (eg salmon, mackerel), sardines.
Eat healthy carbohydrates. Avoid refinedWhite flour carbohydrates, choose only whole grains, like oats, brown rice, whole grain pasta. In addition, select foods rich in soluble fiber (such as apples, oat bran).
Healthy eating low-fat protein like fish, lean chicken and turkey or egg whites. Small amounts of lean red meat in the diet, and regular portions of soy products (eg soybeans) and other vegetable protein.
Reduce sodium in your daily diet. Check the labels of foods and choose low-sodium or sodium-free exhibitFoods. Also, avoid salt in cooking or eating.
Take regular aerobic CARDIO-EXERCISE
No smoking diet-plan must be carried out without regular physical exercise. Work on your fitness capacity, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts to about 30-45 minutes a day on most days. For the best effects on lung capacity and cardiovascular function, choose aerobic exercise such as: brisk walking, jogging, skipping, swimming and most ofSport.
(3) you can prevent weight gain after quitting?
Yes, if you do proper exercise and eating a healthy low-calorie diet, you will hardly gain weight. But winning in my experience, a bit of weight seems to be inevitable.
What is the average weight gain?
Most smokers gain weight after they have stopped immediately. Recent indications that the average weight gain for men and women who quit smoking is about 6-8 pounds. MoreYou smoke, the greater the risk of weight gain on exit. This weight gain is due to the decrease in metabolic rate and an increase in appetite experienced when you quit smoking. This weight gain is normal, and only need a short-term event.
What should I eat?
There is no single diet that will prevent the weight gain once you quit smoking. Your best option is to combine a healthy diet with regular vigorous exercise (in your fitness focusCapacity) and let nature do the rest. Note As a general guide, the following information.
First cut on caffeine. Nicotine withdrawal makes us nervous, and nervous. Therefore it is important to coffee and caffeine-rich soft drinks, which could increase the nervous tension avoided.
Second, increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Studies show that an increased intake of fruits and vegetables help to minimize the weight gain after you can stop smoking. Eat them for snacks, add them to meals,they eat as a starter and / or desserts. Eat them to travel by car instead of sweets and candies.
Third, eat little and often. Resist the temptation to linger over your meal. Get used to eating small meals at more regular intervals. Goal, something to eat, no matter how small, every 2-3 hours. This helps to maintain a regular rate of calorie-burning.
Fourth: To take measures to learn more about nutrition and learn to select nutritional foods whenever possible. (See above for detailsof antioxidants and healthy fats, carbohydrates and protein.)
Make movement a top priority in your daily routine. Ideally, in a gym or fitness center and get in shape. Research has shown a clear link between movement control and weight when you quit smoking. Select both cardiovascular aerobic and strength exercises, as both play an important role in increasing metabolic rate.
In addition to that you have enoughsleep. Scientific evidence shows that the lack of sleep can lead to weight gain and an increased craving for cigarettes and food products.
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