Calorie shifting diet is increasing in popularity over the past year. Is this diet as good as everybody says or is it just the latest fad diet?
Knowledge about calorie shifting is as old as diets. Great powers have tried to keep the knowledge about this diet as much as possible because it would affect their business. There is nothing magic with changing calories. It all comes to simple physiology. We all know that we gain weight by eating a lot and withless, which means we eat a fast food menu, with the fat and energy during the lunch break, we then go back to the office and sits the rest of the day, unless we go to the cafeteria for a latte and is loaded, a snack (which is loaded with energy).
What this means for our bodies? Well, numbers that we are in a period were the delivery of food is very good, but she is preparing for the worst hunger. How the body works to prepare? He takes all the energy you have in yourBurning mouth, but not, and throw it into a fat cell, it was easy to store. We may think that we are more and more fat cells, but actually there are pretty much the same amount of fat cells, our whole life. To be able to store more fat, these cells become larger and larger, until they one day say that it is enough. You do not want more fat, because they may burst, just like pouring too much water in a balloon. Our body gets angry and increases insulin, because insulin is theKey to open the fat cells. Well, the fat cells takes a little more fat before he says, "not" a second time now the whole organism (our body) is affected by the high levels of insulin and it begins to get resistant against the insulin. Oh man, now we are in difficulties. What does it mean that we do not respond to the high levels of insulin? Well, you get a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (or diabetes type 2). And remember, this is only the mere beginning of the trouble we are in.
Ok, back toCalorie-shifting. As written above, is the metabolism in the prosperous times, but prepares for the worst of times she has learned to behave in this way over the years of evolution.
Metabolism is a complex function but in general it takes is what you eat the last few days and requires that you pretty much eat the same diet the next few days. This gives us the possibility to control (or mislead) our own metabolism. We feed them a kind of calories a day and the next we moveCalories in a different type (see where the name comes calorie shifting diet). This confuses your metabolism and will respond by increasing the release of fat from fat cells. At the same time adjusting your insulin levels and more and more regular, no more spikes after a bar of chocolate. Thus the body becomes less eager to have saved the fat for a possible starvation.
The theory behind calorie shifting diet is exciting and it will help you know how to act in certainSituations. Not only does it help you lose fat, it will also help you to understand a lot more about their own bodies.
We want for it, right?
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