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Michael Thurmond Diet - Eat More, Workout Less

The Michael Thurmond diet was formulated on behalf of a health guru of the same. He asserted that 500,000 people who have successfully lost weight already created at least from the diet program that he.

Michael Thurmond Diet theory

Eat more yet healthy, workout less. This is the main concept of the Michael Thurmond diet. Ideal body weight, lean and toned muscles and healthy body is the promise of this> Diet Program. This can be achieved by a simple formula: nutritious food and an exercise program.

Before a program or a person is given a diet plan, body art, current diet and physical activity are his determined. It is difficult for you to CRAFT Michael Thurmond diet program for you if this information were not.

The Michael Thurmond Diet Program is also known as the six-week Make Over. It is said that you lose weight in a shorta wingspan of up to six weeks.

There are several advantages and disadvantages, which could take into account when you plan to try this weight-loss program.


This is not the type of feed, where one or medicines depend on supplements to burn fat or to suppress hunger. The Michael Thurmond Diet is specialized in food intake and exercises. It is clear to both that this diet is turning.

More food and exerciseLess

Once you have identified your body type structure, you can now program will focus on the selection of food to go with your diet list. You can eat more of what is required of you, because you now know how to work for your body. With the right diet program you can go on a not-so-rigorous exercise.

Your food list under the diet consists mainly of fresh and nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean grainsMeat. You are also advised to stay away from nuts, processed foods, pasta and bread. They are also not allowed to take salty foods, dairy products and alcoholic beverages.

Apart from the diet you should exercise regime to your work. You should work at least 45-60 minutes daily.

The program is short

The first six weeks of the program is the most important part. During this time, you would know that your body type, identify the nutritionalList for you and foods that can burn you. It is also within the period of six weeks ago that the best exercise for you, you.


Michael Thurmond Diet is expensive

For your needs the program to the book, where you will buy your routine-base are to start. The book, together with the starter kit costs $ 170. It consists of several products such as the start-up video "Blue Print" kit, training videos andExercise Band. It also includes the band Living Lean, menu planner and the six days Mini Makeover.

It is time-consuming

The first six weeks will require a lot of planning. Within these days, you need to identify your body type structure, try out different types of menu design, and design your own menu program and craft your exercise routines. This is very time consuming for some people. For dieters who want to would see a result immediately, theyLose courage after learning of the pain, they have to go through in order to achieve a result.

Diet excluded dairy products

Calcium is the mineral that the bones remain strong. When you diet you lose this in your you could suffer from osteoporosis later. By Michael Thurmond diet, you get your calcium needs from other sources, and it might not be interested in to your. If it would be like that, you're in a lot of trouble, because this diet programPrevents the use of supplements.

Do you have the will?

The diet is Michael Thurmond program is not for the faint of heart. It requires dedication and commitment. If you have these qualities and you think you are up to the challenge, always in this diet program, this is for you. On the other hand, if you think you do not have the discipline to fulfill all requirements of the program, you are probably better off lookingelsewhere.

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