วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Top Ten Fad Diets Are Yo Yo Diets

A yo-yo dieter is someone who goes on a fad diet lose weight, he recovers and goes on another crash diet. A yo-yo dieter does this repeatedly, never achieving long-term weight loss. The yoyo dieter finds that with every diet, it is harder to lose weight. It can be harmful physiological and psychological consequences of yoyo dieting.

Yoyo dieters choose the rule fad and crash diets that severely restrict their intake. Why they are dieting is bad becausethey can contribute to yoyo dieting.

A yo-yo dieter starts with a low calorie diet, the restrictive Dieter feels strong cravings for other foods may be tired, depressed or irritable. The dieter loses weight, and considers this a great quick trick to take the weight.

The weight loss in these diets is primarily water weight. The body burns glycogen, and additional draws excess body fluids. It is a hunger response of the body hold on tofat.

If the dieter goes back to eat normally, he or she puts the weight on again, and sometimes more. Yoyo dieting is have influence on the metabolic rate, is what burns calories for normal body functions and gives up energy. On a slow-speed weight loss diet the body's metabolism and raises to the new amount of calories.

Some dieters go to extreme measure to restrict their intake, using diet pills, diuretics or laxatives to. This is the kind of behavior thatdevelop into a full blown eating disorder. A constant yoyo Dieter is always on the lookout for the next fad diet, the miracle that weight so quickly.

A yo-yo dieter does not have a healthy relationship with food or their bodies. It's very symptomatic of eating disorders. As of now, there is no diagnostic name for this behavior.

Short-term effects of diets include fatigue, electrolyte disturbances, irritability and depression. Long-term yoyo diet, there are serious long-termFollow.

Chronic yoyo diet will have a slow metabolism for months or even years. Osteoporosis can, over time the lack of calcium in your diet. Yoyo dieting can cause malnutrition such as iron, B12, potassium and sodium.

Low iron can cause anemia. A low B12 shows cause chronic malnutrition, and pernicious anemia. Potassium and sodium are electrolytes that are involved with the nerve and muscle functions of the body. AdequateElectrolytes are important for many bodily functions and malfunctions are hardly cause side effects. Most dangerous is that a very low potassium levels could cause a heart attack

The main side effect of yo-yo dieting is the effect on the immune system. It takes your body's own ability to ward off infections and diseases.

See Also : Vitamins Supplements Oral Hygiene Men Grooming Douglaskimos’s Weblog
