What should my Cirrhosis diet plan look like?
An important part of your cirrhosis diet plan is to implement a complete abstinence from alcohol. Alcohol destroys your liver and is easy to have serious consequences if they are consumed with liver cirrhosis.
Your liver has the very important role in the transformation of food into your stored energy, which are used by the body to function properly. If the liver is damaged, it must be very well treated, in order to assume its normalFunctionality. Part of the treatment of liver is good to keep sodium, and simple sugar intake low and your protein intake high. We will continue to get into details, which means that below.
Low Sodium
Your sodium intake is usually required to regulate and / or limited with liver cirrhosis. Unfortunately, this means no salt on the eggs, steak, or ice cream! However, salt is an acquired taste, like any habit is difficult to easily fall over time.
The largest anddifficult hurdle could be that the food before coming packed with masses of sodium. Food, you would be on the lookout for frozen meat and sausages and cheese, canned soups, and dinner. Most experts will tell you that taking 2,000 mg of sodium per day, the maximum you would want to, but always consult your doctor or health professional to get the best advice in this area.
Adequate protein
Another important aspect of your cirrhosis diet planwill be to take a reasonable but not excessive, amount of protein in your diet. Protein is needed in the body tissue repair and maintenance, especially the liver!
Many people with liver cirrhosis tend to better absorb and use of vegetable proteins and dairy products, not from meat and poultry. And so should your diet, reflecting the trend, with the nuts, seeds, yogurt, etc. Large quantities of animal proteins can exist in your diet causea so-called encephalopathy, so your protein intake with cirrhosis should be treated with great caution.
Low Fat
As the largest organ in the body, the liver plays a very multi-functional role. And as such people to digest with liver cirrhosis, often struggled fat in the diet as well. A good guideline for your fat intake would use to try and keep the calories from fat in your diet to around 25%. And, as a generalPrinciple for a healthy diet, and for them the liver protecting qualities, try a good portion of fat from that include omega-3 fatty acids in foods such as salmon, walnuts and flaxseed oil found.
So, what now?
Now you can know which elements of your cirrhosis diet plan you are looking for, but how do you ensure that you get to eat the right food at the right time of day, and eat the right foods?
Here are a few basicSuggestions:
Eat several smaller portioned meals throughout the day (4 -7), instead of 3 large meals. (much lower taxes) on your liver
Looking for a good multi-vitamin that is readily soluble, organic, and contains the nutrients your body needs. (to replace those vitamins, your liver does not handle)
Replace the intake of animal fat and animal protein with some good additions, such as energy bars, shakes, andSpirulina.
Drink lots of water to maintain normal resting and lots of sun.
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